Tokyo to Tokyo
In the Land of the Rising Sun, one Brit and his bicycle can get into a lot of mischief. Beginning and ending in the biggest metropolis on earth, small town farm hand, and part-time adventurer Daniel Doughty with his trusty steed tackle all 47 of Japan’s prefectures.A tale of ups and downs in every sense where around each corner uncertainty awaits; mountains, bustling cities, nudists, language barriers, culture clashes,  typhoons, humidity, the rainy season, volcanoes, sexy donuts, drivers of unscrupulous quality, grizzly bears, macaque-attacks, hobo-sexuals, earthquakes, battered communities, starvation, hangovers, dicey bowel movements, nuclear fallout, more mountains and an all round general fear of the unknown.So saddle up or saddle down, this is Tokyo to Tokyo.
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