Trying is Not Failing Failing is Not Trying
IntroductionI just want to start by saying “thank you”,for making the decision to pick up this book, openit, and read the contents. You have made a wisedecision, not because I wrote this book, but if youhave been reflecting on some areas of your life,you may be wondering where your life is going,what you actually want to do or stop doing, andhow you want to move forward – this book canreally assist you.I want to encourage you today, by saying,try and read a chapter of this book a day alongwith the Bible, just to keep the momentum going.When reading this book keep an open mindand focus on what the words are saying to you asan individual. Most importantly do your best to acton this learning, as action is the bestreinforcement of learning.Have you ever wondered what you woulddo if you knew you couldn’t fail? In this book wewill examine the obstacles to success, and becareful to remain solution focused: on how we canovercome some of these barriers. We will alsoexamine the importance of faith in God, as well as,the role of confidence and mindsets.Trying is Not Failing, Failing is Not Trying!Finally, we will look at the need to makedecisions versus procrastination. I hope that youwill find chapter seven on: “What’s stoppingyou?” a real motivation, as we learn together that:trying is not failing and failing is indeed not trying.You can’t succeed unless you try. Success will beforthcoming if you are determined, consistent andproactive. It will also come once you have made adecision to never give up.Food for thought:Procrastination is a killer of dreams, a robber of joy,a murderer of purpose, and can cause a life ofmissed opportunities. Be wise with your life andwho you choose to spend your time with.
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