Twin Shining Lights
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth ... Let your bending in the archers hand be for gladness; for even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable. -Khalil Gibran Humanity continues to evolve. Todays children have unique qualities that are helping the planet evolve spiritually by moving from the old energy of fear (greed, corruption, competition, and stress) into the new energy of love (integrity, manifestation, and cooperation). The New Children possess specific characteristics to help them fulfill their purpose to bring the planet into a space where Peace and Honesty reign, where Harmony between all living creatures is the norm, and where Cooperation is given and expected as we realize that we are all connected to each other by Love. Differing from previous generations, these New Children are becoming more and more connected to Divine; they remember our spiritual connection. Even though each child expresses this gift in a unique way, as a group they are a more intuitive, more telepathic, more sensitive generation. Twin Shining Lights is a beautiful narrative that introduces readers to this perspective on life-because story matters....
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