Two Sisters Writing and Publishing First Annual Anthology
Compilation of short stories by 21 authors.“El Duende” by Casandra Hernández Ríos“The Blind Oasis” by Anthony Johnson“Blood” by Helia S. Rethmann“A Practiced Office Dance” by Tarsilla Moura“Country Club Christmas” by Michelle Cox“Groundhog Days” by Conner Russell“Ambition” by Michael Colonnese“Berserk” by Bob Joncas“EGG” by Mary Finnegan“Tripping on a Blue Hole in a Paper Heart” by Begoña Montesinos“Better Off” by Sarah Gilligan“The Woman Who Loved a Spy,” “Emerald Eyes,” and “The Fastest Rockslinger in the West” by Leslie Muzingo“Sticker Shock” by Leah Holbrook Sackett“Blue Crush” by Sheila Rosart“What Makes Us Human” by Victoria Sylvander“Paper-Mache Man” by Steve Carr“Gloria’s Verdict” by Kate Huffman“The Zen of Anima” by C. Angelo Caci“Omael” and “The Drummonds” by Joyce Stein“To Know Again Why it is You Have Come” by Keren Heenan“Two Sisters” by J. Peters
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