Uncage the Lion Within
Chances are, something deep inside has been calling to you for a long time, you've just been too afraid to listen. Instead of dulling this voice by latching onto short-term problems and temporary fixes, why don't you stop and listen to what you have been searching for all along?We all have the answer to what brings us happiness, and it doesn't come from the latest diet, materialistic possession, or number on the scales. It comes from finding our true north, and following the calling of our inner lion. In essence, your inner lion is your authentic self. The version of you who knows what she wants, who embraces fear, who challenges the status quo, and who paves her own path. Allowing your inner lion to shine comes from finally being honest about what you want, following your purpose, creating better habits, and refusing to listen to fear and judgement from yourself or those around you. We all have the power to create a meaningful and fulfilled life; we just need to find the courage to unlock the cage and let our true selves shine. 
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