United Nations Non-Proliferation Regimes on Iran and North Korea
North Korea's persistent illegal proliferation of nuclear armaments and related ballistic missile delivery systems has triggered an unprecedented alliance of the United States, China and other major and lesser world powers in the use of sanctions. The UN Security Council, which bears responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security, has wisely eschewed the use of force and instead has chosen sanctions in its efforts toward a negotiated outcome. Perhaps encouraged by recent progress in the denuclearization of Iran's military programs, the Security Council is hopeful that a peaceful sanctions-supported strategy will also prevail in this case.While the sanctions on North Korea are far-reaching and affect virtually every aspect of international commerce, the situation with Iran is complex for "good" reasons. The dismantlement of the Iran sanctions is proportionate to Iran's dismantling of its illegal proliferation program over the coming 8 to 10 years. Those with sanctions implementation responsibilities need to see past the false media rhetoric that claims that Iran sanctions are null and void.This handbook sets the record straight with rich analyses of implementation requirements, the complexities of true sanctions fulfillment - all in support of the overarching aspiration to avoid the far more taxing deployment of military force with its steep toll in blood and treasure.The first step in effective UN sanctions implementation is to be informed, to base assessments on factual information rather than speculation.  To address the information deficit among pundits, journalists, academics, politicians and many others, the authors of the Practitioner's Compliance Handbook offer very detailed pragmatic best practices guidance for the implementation of all UN sanctions. The Handbook describes the workings of embargoes against conventional and unconventional arms, dual use equipment and arcane catch-all provisions. The
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