Universal Mind Revealed
A turning point for us as humans is in the developing of our inner powers.These are of greatest importance for the evolution of our soul. Theever-changing and progressing of our faculties are of eternal importance inthe development of our soul and in the attainment of our soul’s perfection;for this is the principal subject addressed in this book, GENESIS Chapter 5,Universal Mind Revealed. Universal Mind Revealed is a Kabbalistic rendering ofthe knowledge hidden in Genesis 5 of the Bible.Truths about the evolutionary processes of oursoul and of the Universal Mind are revealed. Theunveiled knowledge is then applied to practicalliving thereby giving us the means to attain growthand spiritual development through practice. “Dr. Edna Craven’s Universal Mind Revealed isa dynamic, authentic, Kabbalistic description ofthe multi-staged creation of man, giving definitiveanswers to heretofore obscure meanings of thenames and numbers in Genesis 5. Further, thechapters contain practical applications forspiritual sustenance and growth.”—The Dallas Morning News.
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