Unknown Life Of Jesus Christ
THE UNKNOWN LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST FROM AN ANCIENT MANUSCRIPT. RECENTLY DISCOVERED IN A BUDDHIST MONASTERY IN THIBET BY NICHOLAS NQTQVITCH... . TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH AND EDITED WITH AN INTRODUCTION AND ILLUSTRATIONS q VIRCHAND R. GANDHI, B. A. BOMBAY, INDIA. REVISED BY PROF. G. L. CHRISTIE, B. A. OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PARIS. CHICAGO 1 INDO-AMERICAN BOOK CO. 1907. VO TABLE OF CONTENTS. TAGE, Preface vn Translators Introduction xr Journey to Thibet 33 The Life of Saint Issa . . 58 Summary 99 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. The Vale of Kashmir Frontispiece Shrinagar vi The Himis Monastery xni Inscription in the Himis Monastery xiv Solomons Throne 32 M. Notovitch on the March 35 Hari Parvat 57 The Seventh Bridge of Shrinagar 6 The Carriers of M. Notovitch 73 The Shaky Bridge of Kashmir 8l Scene Near Surghol 89 A Buddhist Monastery in Ladak 97 Lamieroo 105 Leh, as seen from outside the city 113 Leh, as seen from the market-place 121 cu bO a cu T W CO PREFACE. Subsequent to the Turkish war 1877-1878 I un dertook a series of journeys in the Orient. Having visited all the localities, more or less remarkable, of the. Balkan Peninsula, I crossed the Caucasus mountain to Central Asia and Persia, and finally in 1887 I started for India, a most extraordinary country, which had at tracted me from my early days. The aim of my journey was to become acquainted with the inhabitants of India, and to study on the spot their manners and customs, the grand and mysterious archaeology, and the colossal and majestic nature of this country. Wandering from one place to another, without a settled plan, I reached the mountainous Af ghanistan, from where I reached India by the pictur esque passes of Bolan and GuernaL Having ascended the Indus as far as Rawal Pindi, I crossed the Punjab, the country of the five rivers, and visited the Golden Temple of Armitsar and the tomb of Ranjit Sing, the king of the Punjab, near Lahore. I then directed my steps towards Kashmir, the valley of eternal felicity. There
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