The Yenko Era…..ContinuedCanonsburg & BeyondDedicated to Donna Mae Mims Pink Lady of Racing Friend….Co-workerThanks for the great memories! When Donna Mae, Warren Dernoshek and I were putting The Yenko Era together in 2005, we agreed that it was much like assembling a family scrapbook. Everybody contributes a little, photos, letters, stories…whatever they remember. We attempted to give the reader an accurate picture of how things were really done and introduced them to a few of the people involved in the Yenko operation in Canonsburg. As well received as the book has been….copies have been sold all over the world…I always felt that there was more to be told. Warren and I (Donna Mae passed on several years ago after an extraordinary life of accomplishment) have been diligently working on a sequel. Its publication has been delayed several times due to my dissatisfaction with its content. Every time I felt it was ready to go, I would discover something else in my archives that should be added. Just another scrapbook of events from the time. Many Yenko fans have wondered what happened after the high times of the muscle cars of the 60’s and early 70’s. Certainly the Yenko operation assumed a lower profile, but did not disappear altogether. Don was always searching for new performance projects to recapture past glory. Like the first book, there is no index…I want you to read all of it, not just cherry pick a few facts here and there. Call it author’s prerogative! Yenko Chevrolet / Yenko Sportscars was an intriguing collection of personalities and abilities. I am honored to have been part of it! Mark Gillespie
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