Vichy - Two Years Of Deception
VICHY Two Years of Deception BY LEON MARCHAL NEW YORK THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 943 Foreword I owe a brief personal explanation to my readers. In June, 1940, I was stationed in Morocco. Like the over whelming majority of Frenchmen in North Africa, I was op posed to the armistice and to the breaking of our alliances. As they did, I refused to concede that a capitulation manifestly contrary to the will of the French people could put an end to the state of war between France and Germany. With this in mind, four months later, I personally opened the first negotia tions for the supplying of North Africa. By maintaining eco nomic relations with the free world I, among others, hoped that a barrier could be erected against German penetration in the French Empire, thus preparing the way for the French overseas territories to break with Vichy and reenter the war. From April, 194.1, to April, 1942, in my new functions as Counsellor to the French Embassy in Washington, I pursued the same policy for as long as it could reasonably counteract the development of Franco-German collaboration and main tain the spirit of resistance in North Africa. During that time I dealt only with matters pertaining to North Africa, and was not connected with any other activity of the Vichy representa tion. After Pierre Lavals return to power, I openly joined Gen eral de Gaulle. It was then in answer to a suggestion made by The Macmil lan Company of New York that I decided to write on the Vichy regime and the fatal evolution which led it, from con cession to concession, to the last stage of enslavement. In carrying out this task, I have endeavored to attain the v VI FOREWORD same accuracy aifd Objectivity as in my professional work for the Fj jjch Foreign Service. Itaveinade use of all the available and significant sources of information except, however, official documents with which could not have become acquainted in any way but for my diplomatic position. I can assure my readers, nevertheless, that th
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