Waiting to Hear Momma
Lucille, the mother of a medically fragile child, is traveling an emotional rollercoaster caring for her special-needs child as she desperately searches for a diagnosis. What had happened to her daughter? What did she do wrong?You are placed in her business world where bosses do not want a mother with this baggage. The mind-boggling callousness she observed from adults, professionals, and a waitress in a restaurant tells another tale. Amid trying to adapt to her life as a mother, she herself develops a life-threatening condition.Can her husband Karl be strong enough to sustain her and their marriage?With each unexpected trip to the emergency room, Lucille knows there is a chance she will arrive too late to say goodbye.Who will help this broken mother survive and accept the future? The obsessive worry and stress take a tremendous toll. Will she decide her mental pain is too great?Waiting to Hear “Momma”  takes you into the world of a family in crisis that can be dark with gut-wrenching moments often experienced by those who are at the end of their rope. Yet, a wish is granted in an extraordinary way. This candid memoir will open readers’ eyes and hearts.
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