We Society Poetry Anthology 2015
In 2015, Printable Reality in association with Splice and Te Henga Studios, run a poetry competition - as a part of We Society poetry project.This Poetry Anthology is an astonishing collection of poems selected from over 400 competition entries. It is a forth edition in our series of Stage2Page titles.**Language, and poetry in particular, is a mirror of our world. It captures and reflects some of the deepest human emotions. Language is one of our most highly evolved functions, a tool that we continue to reinvent, sharpen and expand. And, since language is designed entirely around our constantly evolving needs of expression, it is one way to both examine human life and ultimately connect with ourselves. Does poetry emerge from the need to express yourself? For a poets words to be heard, published, quoted or sung? For their name to be remembered and cherished (one could say a perfect example of me society)? Or, as Eliot says: Poetry is not an expression of personality, but an escape from personality?Either way, poetry created is for everybody. Poetry takes on another life when it is shared in authentic and intimate ways: through reading or listening. Is poetry reminding us about the we of society, that is about relationships, collaboration and cooperation? We society?It scares me to seehow me is our society.Or is it only me? How would you define the society we live in? Is it predominantly a common-good society, or an individualist society? Which society would you like to live in? What are we gaining and what are we losing as our culture changes? Can and does poetry enable us to explore and reflect on our values? How do language, communication and intention, belonging, dreams, aspirations and connection relate to the changing nature of the way we live and our values? How does poetry respond to what makes us human and what it means to belong to one another?Editor / Competition judge Dr. Jack Ross. **
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