What Apocalypse?
Marc McKees WHAT APOCALYPSE is a tumultuous, exciting, hilarious, bizarre, beautiful, and terrifying high wire act. Winner of the DIAGRAM/New Michigan Press 2008 Chapbook Contest, this book is singular in its vision and love for / embrace of / terror for all the muchness this world has to offer us. As he writes in At the Edge of a Deep, Dark Wood, Re-purposed Dolphin Speaks: So we move in the air of this world / which will cover the dent we made when we leave. Marc McKee earned his MFA from the University of Houston, and is currently pursuing a PhD at the University of Missouri in Columbia, where he lives with his wife, Camellia Cosgray. His poems appear in Boston Review, Conduit, Crazyhorse, DIAGRAM, LIt, Pleiades, Salt Hill, and several other places.
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