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PERFECT PLANNER FOR ALL BUSY PEOPLEGet your days organized and planned out in a smart and motivated way!This daily planner is designed for self-help in scheduling daily and weekly activities, tasks, chores, and responsibilities, motivate yourself, plan events, set goals, and have fun too. It has enough space for all your daily activities, appointments and notes. It is designed to brighten up your day, perfect for professional use at work or for organizing your life at home. Details:·        Includes notes on every two pages·        Perfect 8 x 10 size, easy to handle and enough space for everything you might want to write down·        120 pages, enough for a whole year·        Beautiful matte stylish cover·        Printed on high-quality white paper ·        Designed pages with Mandala Border to start coloring it when you get bored or if you need to get out of stressThis Planner is the perfect gift for friends, family, co-workers and even your boss!
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