What In The World Was God Thinking? Marriage
God’s original purpose in marriage was to unite a man and a woman in the holy covenant of marriage and to spread the garden influence throughout the entire world. That purpose has not changed. This book is full of simple Biblical principles, which if you apply and practice, you can reclaim your spot on earth called, “The Garden of Eden.” Apply the principle, and receive the reward. It is a guarantee! God bless your marriage as we learn together why God made the male and female so different.This book has been provided to fit any setting and format. Its content is “one size fits all,” and has been designed to help any relationship, if you are engaged, newlyweds, or have been married for years. At the conclusion of each chapter are questions. This will assist you to stay on track and find applicable truths that will bring clarity and understanding in strengthening and changing your marriage for the better.
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