What Man Has Done... To Man
The Twentieth Century is lauded as the time period when more technological and scientific advances and breakthroughs were accomplished than all other centuries combined.Probably the most notable progress was in transportation when in the early years, Kitty Hawk marked the first flight which became the jet airplane allowing for global travel and Apollo 11 being our crowning achievement. Henry Ford developed assembly line production of the Model T, the horseless carriage, now the driverless carriage.Transistors gave us the Second Industrial Revolution and are today used everywhere. Computers are known as man’s “greatest invention.” Health was enhanced with the introduction of penicillin and polio vaccines. On the social scene, we witnessed the start, at least, of civil and women’s rights. And who can ever forget the impact of the chocolate chip cookie?However, equally etched into the annals of history are events like the “war to end all wars,” the Great Depression, and Vietnam War. What you are about to read will make these pale in comparison. You see, man created in that same span of time the greatest environmental disaster of modern history, the worst short-term atrocity ever committed, developed the “sickest” place on earth, and celebrated the most outstanding year in the history of mankind.Read, remember, and make certain to pass on to posterity what man has done to man. 
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