Where Did My Country Go?
Where Did My Country Go and Taking My Country BackA clandestine war has been raging against American ideals and Christian beliefs/morality for well over a century, surfacing in the last few decades to reveal the sinister face of the enemy. The enemys war machinery is being run by those who call themselves Progressives. In truth, there is nothing at all progressive about them; their name masks the eons old belief system of secular humanism and their collectivist mission to steal liberty. This enemys mortar fire has been targeting our American heritage, chiseling away at the foundation of Christian beliefs, morality, ethics, and free enterprise which our Founding Fathers put in place as underpinnings of the American dream. One tragedy from these savage attacks is a remanufactured, politically correct, phony, and deceptive history that has been rewritten about who Americans are, the individualism that has made our nation great, making us the envy of the world. Our author Dean Chrisco is convinced there is a way to solve our many problems as our nation sits at this fork in the road. He contends that collectively, most Americans have a form of national amnesia; they do not even know who they are anymore or what trademarks made our nation such a special place in years past. To discover the solution, he contends the first issue at hand is to observe the genuine historical past of our nation, including the Founders implementations that set our country on the right course. Knowing our true past is the facilitator that brings us face to face with our true identify, our heritage, and the problems caused by attacks made along the way. History reveals the true foundation and underpinnings of how our nation, something the Leftists do not want young citizens to see. Said differently, history becomes a lens through which we can view the hidden and internal workings of our nations past, seeing infectious problems, much like a CT-Scan does in the world of medicine wh
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