Whiteheads Philosophy Of Organism
WHITEHEAD S PHILOSOPHY OF ORGANISM: PREFACE: THERE is no substitute for the first-hand study of a philosopher and if this book were to be looked on as in any way intended as a summary or epitome of Professor Whitehead s Philosophy of Organism, it had better never have been written. It represents simply an attempt on the part of one of his students to acknowledge something of her debt to his work and his wisdom and to discuss some of the ideas in it which have seemed to her of special significance. My first reason for daring to venture on this is simply my interest in and affection for Professor Whitehead and his writings. My second is the growing suspicion that there are a number of people of philosophical interests who are asking for an introduction to the study of his metaphysics, especially of Process and Reality. If this book should send any back with renewed encouragement to re-reading Professor Whitehead s own later books, that is the best outcome I should hope for from it. And here, at the outset, I must make an apology and an explanation. Throughout the greater part of his life, Professor Whitehead s own work has been in pure mathematics and although his later books have contained practically no technical mathematical reasoning, or even mathematical logic, I am continually conscious that the way in which his mind is working is essentially that of a pure mathematician. I have the uneasy suspicion that however much notions like that of Extensive Connection and the Method of Ex tensive Abstraction may seem clear, they probably connote something quite different to someone with a trained understanding of the mathematical ideas involved in them. My own knowledge of the mathematical side of Professor Whitehead s work is confined to a none too confident ac quaintance with the philosophical sections at the beginning of the Principia Mathematica and to his Introduction to Mathematics H. U. L.. From these, and from Russells books, I think I have been able to grasp some
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