Wicca Collection
The Ultimate Wicca Magic Collection. Master The Teachings of these four books and you shall master the secrets of casting Strong Fire, Crystal and Herbal spells that are effective and work faster than ever before! Wicca magic can be powerful ….But use the wrong crystal , candle color, plant or the wrong techniques and your magic spell will be as useless as a glass hammer which means you may even do more harm than good to yourself!When it comes to Strong and effective Wicca Magic, knowledge of how to adapt your spells to you is key and this book will focus on this aspect to strengthen your fire, herbal and crystal spells and spellcasting abilities altogether.Here are some of the things you will be learning in “Wicca for Beginners”:-•    History of Wicca.•    The five sacred elements.•    Witches and Witchcraft.•    Deities.•    Wheel of the Year.•    Wiccan Holidays - Days of Power.•    Spiritual healing.Here are some of the things you will be learning in “Wicca Candle Magic”:-•    Fire Symbolism•    The Fire Festivals•    The role of Candle magic in Wiccan Ritual•    Colors of candles and their meanings in Wiccan Ritual•    Invoking Elements for Spellwork and Ritual•    Secret Techniques Raising Energy for Fire Spellwork•    A list of the most useful and effective fire spellsHere are some of the things you will be learning in “Wicca Crystal Magic”:-•The 3 most powerful crystals used to achieve higher consciousness and access the spirit world.•    What is crystal?•    Crystals in Technology•    Crystals in Metaphysics•    The secret behind the r
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