Will the Merchants Divide Him?
The book plays itself in a few layers of American society, thus demonstratingCharlton Heston theses that “Amerika is reeling…” Vast majority of the societyliving here is not even aware of what that means and those who are looked uponwith suspicion. The hero of the story is coming back home and because hisdriver’s license is expired, of which he is not even aware, he gets arrested, whichopens up a reality in which his live isn’t his anymore and waiting for justicehe gets the message that the courtroom has nothing to do with justice. It isabout the law. Which is something the author working in one of the Americancourts has got to know. The hero is alone. He makes notes of his lonelinessand isolation, and his notes thus prepared are later on found by his friends.This isn’t a book for those who think everything is nice and dandy. Whichsound almost like a deterrent — yet, If you get it, there is a chance you mayget interested, you may even find yourself in it together with your unnecessary,unwanted, meaningless life — it shall come to you to shake up your certainty —together with Hekuba’s cart sound: trundling under the burning sun, yet empty,but soon filled with the body of her son.
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