Women at WarThe Story of Fifty Military Nurses Who Served in VietnamElizabeth NormanThis is a powerful story about some of nursings finest contributions. The profession is indebted to this author for her persistence and sensitivity in capturing this important piece of history.--American Journal of NursingNorman tells the dramatic story of fifty women--members of the Army, Navy, and Air Force Nurse Corps--who went to war, working in military hospitals, aboard ships, and with air evacuation squadrons during the Vietnam War. Here, in a moving narrative, the women talk about why they went to war, the experiences they had while they were there, and how war affected them physically, emotionally, and spiritually.Studies in Health, Illness, and Caregiving1990 | 238 pages | 6 x 9 | 30 illus.ISBN 978-0-8122-1317-1 | Paper | $27.50s | £18.00 World Rights | Medicine
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