Wordspeller ESL Phonetic Dictionary
If you don't know the first 2-3 letters a word starts with, how do you find it?  This dictionary will find it for you! Spell your word in Spanish or English. Misspell your word in Spanish or English to find the correctly spelled word. Wordspeller ESL Phonetic Dictionary has over 70,000 entries of commonly used American English words with multiple misspellings based upon their phonetic sound. Spell your word by the way it sounds to you.Brief definitions allow for quick referral to the proper word you wish to use.Extensive cross-referencing allows for words that are either similar in meaning and/or spelling. Is it 'petal' or 'pedal' or 'peddle'?Si no conoces las primeras 2-3 letras una palabra comienza con cómo la encuentras en un diccionario? Wordspeller ESL Phonetic Dictionary te invita a escribir mal tu palabra en Español o Inglés para localizar rápidamente más de 70,000 palabras correctamente escritas. Wordspeller es una herramienta de recursos de aprendizaje en la que cada palabra raíz en inglés que encuentres proporcionará homófonos, palabras confusas, sufijos y prefijos.Spanish letters are cross-interpreted with American English spellings as well. Spanish words such as 'jiubili, yubili, llubili' sound like 'jubilee' in American English.Ais o aiz = ice / eye(s)Llaquet o yaket o yaquet o llaket = jacketLeit = lateAsian vowel sounds such as 'lau, low or loh' closely resemble the word, 'law' in English. Many vowel sound combinations are associated with many other languages and also transposed onto English misspelled words to simplify location of a correctly spelled word.All available prefixes are defined. Each correctly spelled word lists all potential suffix endings leaving no guesswork as to how to spell the future and past tense of a word.Use this reference tool as a bridge to go from the sound of your word to a standar
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