Yes, Real Women Have Killer Abs
The idea of penning Yes, Real Women Have Killer Abs came to me during an all—female aerobics class. When the instructor directed us to lay on the floor, almost in unison, the ladies murmured and complained. Some even rebelled, demanding alternate solutions. Knees creaked when the ladies moved toward the floor in slow motion as if afraid something might break. And when the exercise was completed, the struggle to get up from the floor was just as difficult. Hilarious.That is when I decided to create an exercise regime that is more conducive to real women. For women of various ages, weight, body type, abilities and so on.In Yes, Real Women Have Killer Abs, I introduce fifty abdominal exercises demonstrated by certified weight trainers and a client. Even though the majority of these exercises can be accomplished in the comfort of your own home, several must be performed on gym equipment. The ultimate objective is to create killer abs without getting down on the floor.  
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