yes Virginia, quantum mechanics can be understood

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The Second Quantum RevolutionQuantum mechanics has been dormant since the early 1930s and our travelers were lucky to have tripped over its resting mass destined to be executed by a gang of over active coders to become just another artificial intelligence application. Virginia, Bertie, and Jeeves took up physics hoping to understanding quantum mechanics. In the process they take a grand tour on an old sailing vessel and aid a sow in distress. On their journey they discover physics is not as difficult as they imagined. After dismantling physics they reassemble it in a form where gravity, the strong force, the weak force, and electromagnetism all stem from understanding a gambling strategy known as the fair-game.We need characters to both lighten the plot and bring some light to the subject. The simple creations of P.G. Wodehouse can be dropped into any time period, but are particularly adapted to both the present, 1900, and the early 1930s when troubles were ignored. Our story about quantum mechanics is best told with the help of these characters who respond to a culture of fashion and conformity by cheerfully dismantling the nonsense and in the process shed light on the dark. The neutrino will now be in her proper weightless supporting role. That great cultural divide between science and the arts first expounded on by C.P. Snow was found to be a mere ditch that could be stepped over. The sins of the past were multiple violations of the conservation of energy, forced notions about mass, and non-physical geometries. By defining mass without the aid of the Standard Model, particles and their physical properties are much easier to describe. The electron now has structure and is no longer captured in a point. The structure defines the electrostatic field removing the need for the single virtual photon of quantum electrodynamics. The Gluon and Axion are also no longer required to shore up the nucleus. The God particle gets demoted to be another unstable boson. T
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