You’re Hired! Is the most definitive and well-researched guide to planning, writing and presenting compelling CVs that will maximise your chances of getting an interview.You’re Hired! makes it clear, that if you fail to grab the attention of your prospective employer within a few seconds, your CV will be consigning to the bin of rejections.If you want your CV to avoid the dustbin of rejections, take note of the suggestion in You’re Hired! In order to transform your CV into a targeted, high-impact, job-winning tool, by way of coaching you how to spotlight your professional skills, qualifications and experiences.You’re Hired! Will also enable you to understand the variety of CV formats, such as the Chronological, Functional and Combination CVs supported by explanatory notes and advice; including, sample covering letters.You’re Hired!, suggests that the use of snappy phrases starting with strong action verbs to describe your functional skills and the use of clearly defined headings and subheadings, if relevant, to organize your CV are extremely important.Furthermore You’re Hired! underscores that Clarity, Conciseness, and Consistency, are important, when constructing a CV, hence the constant reminder, that a badly formatted and cluttered CV can be confusing and jeopardize your chances of being hired job.The author and team of editors from  Think Doctor Publications; Live2Achieve, The Institute of Self Development are extremely confident that by simply  following the tips in You’re Hired, we can assure you, that your CV will stand out, and hence been chosen for the interview  that will lead to your ULTIMATE dream job.  
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