Youre The Boss
In your role as a public sector Manager or Supervisor, Public Official, Executive  or  professional staff, have you ever wondered ---Just what goes on at the bargaining table?One of my employees is distributing union flyers in my facility. Do I have to put up with that? How can I get the union to help me with my budget shortfall?It seems to me the union representative is from another planet. How do I deal with that?Why is bargaining so complicated? Why does it take so long?If you've yearned for answers to these and other mysteries about labor management relations  -  You're The Boss is the book for you!Answers to many more perplexing questions about labor relations, are in Madge M. Blakey's  You're The Boss, the definitive labor relations guide for public sector managers and supervisors who want to gain expertise in building and maintaining positive labor-management relations in a unionized public sector workplace.You're The Boss speaks every day workplace language. It includes handy check lists, do's and don't and self tests to help you along. It demonstrates typical problem situations through real-life scenarios (some will be familiar), sticky situations and ways to get un-stuck that may surprise you.You're the Boss is filled with the author's "insider" wisdom and identifies additional resources to assist you in building a career advantage. How do you do this? Well, how about sharpening your skills to:understand the complex laws that apply to public sector employees;carry out your responsibility to administer labor agreements;avoid actions that discriminate against represented employees;be a problem-solver dealing with employee complaints and grievances;manage successfully while recognizing employee and union rights.You're The Boss is also a powerful resource for --Labor Relations, Human Resources and Personnel staffAdministrative staff, many of whom wear
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