Youve Been Hoodwinked
James B-More Wharton has written a book thats a must read for both men and women As an ordained minister, chaplain, and spiritual advisor, hes counseled many couples on the true dynamics of relationships. And if ever there were a time in the history of mankind for truth on relationships to be spoken, the time is now. Too often the so-called relationship experts are confused about the true dynamics of the first institution God created-marriage-and their claims have watered down His guidelines to conform to the ways of the world. Thus, God has summoned a lowly fisherman to dispel the numerous myths permeating society on relationships and to unveil the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me. . . . In this book, the reader will find a compelling argument on the proper etiquette of relationships that will challenge men and women from all walks of life. No one will be exempt from the powerful message contained within the pages of this book. Husbands will be challenged, wives will be challenged, boyfriends and girlfriends will be challenged, and, yes, even your beloved pastor will be challenged-nothing will be held back. This book is packed with practical illustrations that will reveal the numerous mistakes made by most in relationships. From start to finish, it is a treasure chest for anyone seeking solutions to the unanswered questions that continue to evade them. After reading this book, one will always have a road map to reference when searching for answers to the challenges that lie before many, if not all, relationships. Dont continue to be duped by those who cloak themselves in the garment of relationship intelligence. Get the answers youve been thirsting to have. Can you handle the truth?
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