140 Characters.You cant say a lot in 140 characters. Or, thats what we thought until Twitter came along. Twitter set a new standard to communicate in 140 characters. Brevity is the name of the game. It is timely in a way as everyone in the world is moving at a breathtaking speed and would love to spend as little time as possible to get as much insights as possible.This is where #Th!nkTweet: Bite-sized Lessons for a Fast-Paced World comes in. It is a collection of 140 bite-sized lessons that will help you learn and grow. FAST!#Th!nkTweet is a book that you can read again and again or simply give this to someone who you know needs it but dont have the time to read. This is a book you can read in 15 minutes or less but then again, you might want to re-visit again to refresh and re-learn. #ThinkTweet is a gift that you owe to yourself!Guy Kawasaki wrote the foreword and said that #Th!nkTweet is a cool little book filled with twinsights, twumor and twinfluence of Twitter.
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