99 Things Women Wish They Knew Before Getting Fit Without the Gym
There is a health crisis in this country, an epidemic of humongous proportion. Currently more than 1 billion adults are overweight—and at least 300 million of them are clinically obese.Time and money or lack of them are he biggest perceived barrier to living a fit healthy life with the body you always dreamed of having. We are spending most of our waking hours at work, commuting and taking care of our family’s needs. With all of the demands placed on our time who has even an extra minute to get to the gym?Our bodies are meant to be in motion, and in this book you will learn how to do that without spending a cent or ever setting foot in a gym!EVERY person has the ability to eliminate their own personal barriers to becoming fit and live their healthiest life possible. Through that, you’ll obtain the body you’ve always wanted. It won’t cost you money and you won’t need a gym membership. These tricks and tools are meant for you to implement into your already busy life.Robichaud will help you fit fitness into your day seamlessly in incremental amounts. Living a healthy life and being in great shape does not require an all or nothing approach, so check your excuses at the door. Little by little you can start making healthier more concise choices to move more, eat less and find the balance you need to keep it sustainable. It is a lifestyle approach, a road to feeling your absolute best.You will never regret a day you were active.
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