A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands
The book is channeled through A. Farnese from a spirit who calls himself Franchezzo. He had lived a most amoral and arrogant life; only his true love for a very spiritual and saintly young woman, who loved him as well, enabled him to ascend as fast as he did, coupled with his absolute determination, no matter what it took, to reach the heavenly realms where he was certain she would come to upon her demise, so that they might be together always. He is taken in by the Brotherhood of Hope, a group of spirits who specialize in bringing some of the most hopeless and damaged of souls into the light, and healing them, so that they, too, might help others and attain to the heavenly realms. The depiction of the lower realms of Hell are chilling, as well as the understanding of why some souls wound up there, and the beautiful sight of their ascent out of there, once they were able to reach for the higher realms and help others, or at least desire to cease hurting others, which is the first cry to the immortals for help out of the pits they have dug for themselves, and for others as well. The description of the higher realms of spirit only make one wonder why anyone would ever want to leave, but progress is eternal, as is the help we receive from spirits from the higher realms. (spirit -mind-mystery.blogspot.com)
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