Adams Healing Adventures
What Does Your Healing Day Look Like?Our children are our future. Every step we take, every bite we eat, every action in our daily lives has the potential to affect our health-starting very young. Educating and empowering the future generation about health and wellbeing and the importance of their everyday decisions can create a ripple that has the potential to change their world-inside out!Join Adam as he learns from his friends how we can all take care of our bodies. His friends teach him about the power of a healthy lifestyle. Step by step, they share what they do to keep their bodies healthy and optimize healing.Madiha Saeed, MD (aka HolisticMom, MD) is a board-certified integrative holistic family physician and author of The Holistic Rx: Your Guide to Healing Chronic Inflammation and Disease. Along with her children, she educates those around her about the power of a healthy lifestyle, empowering families to get back in the drivers seat of their health. If children can do it, we can too! Lets protect what matters most!
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