This book includes: 3 Manuscripts?? 1. Attachment Theory Workbook?? 2. Abandonment Recovery Workbook?? 3. The Addiction Recovery WorkbookBOOK 1: COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPYThis book will provide you with effective and easy-to-use tools for:AnxietyDepressionImpulsive and destructive behaviorsProblems solvingStress management  And much more.Exactly what you will learn:How to break free from intrusive thoughts and obsessive behaviorUnderstand what makes your mind tickSee the link between spirituality and self-helpConfront anxiety head-onHow to conquer panic attacks and worryChallenge unhelpful intrusive thoughtsBuild a better relationship with yourselfBreak bad habits and enjoy lifeOptimal life management BOOK 2: DIALECTICAL BEHAVIOR THERAPYThere are four modules in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT).1. Emotion regulation skills help you manage anxiety and fear before they get out of control.2. Acceptance skills foster self-compassion and a nonjudgmental stance toward your emotions and worries.3. Mindfulness helps you connect with the present moment and notice passing thoughts and feelings without being ruled by them.4. Interpersonal effectiveness skills help you assert your needs in order to build more fulfilling relationships with others.BOOK 3: ACCEPTANCE AND COMMITMENT THERAPYThis simple beginners book will help you understand what ACT is in detail and answer the rest of the questions to give you a vivid understanding of what to expect and how to get started with the therapy for long-term success.More precisely, youll learn:What ACT means and what it aims to help you achievePresenting the Six Core Processes of ACTHow different ACT is from CBTWhy ACT is better than the traditional CBTHow to develop willingness and acceptance to seeing progress in overcoming anxietyHow to treat anxiety with ACTThe important ACT exercises to expect in the therapyAccepting Negative Thoughts and Feelings...And much more!
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