Change Your Mind, Change Your Results
For most people, success seems not only elusive, but a complete mystery. We seepeople all around us getting what they want, living happy and fulfilling lives, but don’tunderstand why it isn’t working for us. What can we do to change our results?Author Shawn Shewchuk knows exactly how that feels. He worked hard and madechoices that he thought would lead to success, but while he was working hard,his relationships suffered and debt mounted until finally the house of cards cametumbling down. He went from being what he thought was financially secure, tobankrupt, divorced and homeless in a matter of months. While the experience wasdifficult, as he reassessed his life, it finally became clear that he’d been going about hisattempts at success completely backward! As Shawn discovered the enigmas to realwealth creation and balance in his own life, his results soared and now yours can too.Change Your Mind, Change Your Results was created from Shawn’s own experienceand he shares firsthand what works and what doesn’t.Most of us have no idea that many of the decisions we make in our lives are based onunsolicited gifts of ideas from our parents, educators and religious exposure. Althoughwe may initially deny it, most the decisions that we make as adults, are not our own.This is the reason that we so often see children following in the steps of their parents,whether they want to or not. Now is your chance to step out of that cycle and create adifferent, more prosperous life for yourself and it all starts with a decision.Our minds are powerful tools, and they can create any reality we choose to envisionfor ourselves. Whether in your life, business, career or your relationships, you canachieve your objectives, and Shawn gives you the proven methodologies you need tomake them a reality.Refuse to allow skepticism and fear to cloud your judgment, focus on what you wantand not on what you don’t want. This book is your first step to creating the life youdesire, th
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