Civil Society and the Search for Development Alternatives in Cameroon
Recent developments have witnessed the emergence of civil society as a major development actor whose potentials and capacity, especially in Africa, are often taken for granted and treated as limitless. A critical assessment of some of these structures (NGOs, religious organisations, trade unions, home-based associations and the youth) and the legal and political context of the operation of civil society in Cameroon shows a popular effervescence that is visible in social development initiatives. Although this would complement the state and free enterprise, it is however often frustrated by the states suspicion in a context of rising social awareness and protest that is assimilated with political opposition or attempts at manipulation along partisan lines. This book is a call to reform the framework of civil society and assess its components and roles in shaping the future of Africa. Emmanuel Yenshu Vubo is a Senior Lecturer in Sociology. He obtained his Doctorate from the University of Yaounde in 1991 and has served in several capacities at the University of Buea.
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