Embodying Presence
Do you know that feeling of confidence when you are powerfully inhabiting your body, those moments of beauty when you feel open-hearted connection with another or the peace beyond words of feeling unified with everything?  We use the word “presence” to describe everything from the embodied “stage presence” of a rock star and powerful leadership of “executive presence”, to the relational presence of close connection with a trusted other, to the deeper presence states of Awake Awareness transmitted by spiritual teachers. There is a unifying thread to all these and learning how to embody presence promises to up level your work, love and life.This is a unique time in human history with ever increasing technological innovation, more potential digital distractions, a faster pace of life and only 13% of the world’s workforce is “engaged” in their work (according to a global consulting study)—thus we need to develop new ways of working, relating, and living in the digital age. Presence is the key to enhanced engagement, productivity, innovation, and the X factor for Executive Presence, professional development in organizations and entrepreneurs getting funded. It is the sweet spot of peak performance for creatives, athletes in the zone or performers on stage. In the age of heightened digital connectivity, so many of us whether our romantic partners, children or friends long for deeper presence and human connection in our relationships. And ultimately, Presence is the doorway to mindfulness, unified Awareness and the Power of Now.Whether you are dedicated to self-actualization and/or being of service to others as a professional (therapist, coach or facilitator) who works with clients in a healing, transformative or developmental context, this guide elucidates the 3 secret ingredients of presence – Embodiment, Connection and Awareness.  It clearly describes and diagrams specific presence skills, benef
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