Fifty Three Years in Syria - Volume I
Fifty Three Years In Syria - Volume I By HENRY HARRIS JESSUP. Introduction: THE author of this volume Is one of the pioneers of the new historic era and the changing social order in the Nearer East. He is entitled to this distinction not be cause of direct political activity, or of any strenuous role as a social reformer, but because of those fifty-three years of mission ary service in the interests of religious uplift,, educational progress, social morality, and all those civilizing influences which now by general consent are recognized results of the missionary enter prise. It is a chronicle of eventful years in the history of Western Asia. It is necessarily largely personal, as the book is a com bination of autobiographical reminiscence with a somewhat de tailed record of mission progress in Syria. No one can fail to be impressed with the variety and continuity, as well as the large beneficence of a life service such as is herein reviewed. In ver satile and responsible toil, in fidelity to his high commission, in diligence in the use of opportunity, in unwavering loyalty to the call of missionary duty, his career has been worthy of the ad miration and affectionate regard of the Church. The writer of this introduction regards it as one of the privileges of his missionary service in Syria that for twenty-two of the fifty-three years which the record covers he was a colleague of the author, and that such a delightful intimacy has marked a lifelong friend ship. Dr. Jessup has been a living witness of one of the most vivid and dramatic national transformations which the worlds annals re cord, as well as himself a contributor, indirectly and unconsciously perhaps, yet no less truly and forcefully, to changes as romantic, weird, aad startling as the stage of history presents. We seem 3 4 Introduction to be In the enchanted atmosphere of politics after the order of the Arabian Nights. In fact, no tale of the Thousand and One Nights can surpass in imaginative power, myst
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