PREFACE I wish to return thanks for the assistance rendered me in various galleries and museums both in England and Hollaid during my investigations, and have also to express my gratittde to the following gentlemen, who so kindly placed various designs and photographs at my disposal-Mr. WaIter Wood for permission to reproduce the of the Yorkshire cobble, the Thames valeys, the Scarborough fishing-ketch, and the Galicinn lateener to Mr. Nornlan S. Carr who has made many of the sketches for the photographs of the Cornish fishing craft, the Ostend fishing-smack, the reefing-gear of the Bristol Channel pilot-cutter, the Isle of Marken botters, the smaller photograph of the hoogarts fishing fleet, and the modern boier yachts to Mr. Harold Clayton for the designs of the Bristol Channel pilot-cutter Faith to Mr. C. Dcvereus........
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