This is a story of survival...Gary is an average bloke who grew up in rural Australia during the late 70s and into the raging 80s He has no fame or notoriety, nor does he want any. Throughout his childhood and early adult life he endured many forms of degradation and abuse at the hands of the people close to him and who should have been his greatest support and protection from the world of evil. Anyone who has been afflicted by traumatic experiences in childhood has, out of necessity, developed a range of creative, effective strategies that help them survive and go forward to live a valued life. Gary did this as he learned to protect his emotions by repressing them and trying to live without question or causing upset of the ignorant culture he would discover around him.Very often, however, the strategies that worked in childhood dont work so well when one becomes an adult. Like so many others, now in his fifties, Gary suffers PTSD, anxiety, and depression; all the while having all the elements of decent Australian lifestyle. He has a great job, a beautiful wife and children who mean the universe to him. But the torment of his past makes everyday a struggle for him and his battle for inner freedom and peace brings the demons raging back to his soul.An emotional torture of painful experiences one can never wish to identify with but only aspire to survive...a wonderful triumph of heart and spirit for the survival of manhood...5 stars... Colin, Indiebook reviewer
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