Get More For Your Home
Selling your own home used to be hard but not anymore. This book explains exactly how to go about arranging a private sale, with the help of an agent in a few key areas, such as accessing realestate.com.au. This no commission sale handbook is an up to date guide like none other previously written. It also exposes an industry that has been controlling the Australian public and holding it to ransom for over 100 years. Did you know that PropertyNow invented real estate Agent Assisted Private Sales in 2004? Since then PropertyNow has helped thousands of Aussies to list on Australias biggest real estate websites, including realestate.com.au, without paying a single dollar in agent commissions! This guide tells you all the rules and insider tips that you need to know, to achieve a zero commission sale, through a listing on realestate.com.au and other agent only websites. What do you do when your little Aussie company changes a multi-billion dollar industry forever and yet most Australians dont know about it? Well you write a book about it of course! Thats what renegade real estate agent Andrew Blachut has done inside - Get More For Your Home If you want to sell your own home this is the definitive guide on the BEST way to do it!
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