Got It! Twenty-One Communication Tips for Busy, Impatient People
If you desire to communicate with honesty and purpose in an enthusiastic and committed manner, Got It! delivers. Got It! will inspire you to catch Joan Cravens infectious ability to incorporate constructive ideas and common sense guidelines into your dealings with just about anybody, anytime.Her practical and thoughtful approaches to the communication opportunities and challenges that face every one of us - in the workplace or the home - are easy to grasp and implement in our lives. She has demonstrated her mastery of communications by weaving theory, experience and thought-provoking questions into a quick-and-easy read that will radically improve your interactions with the world.Got It! will empower anyone who wants to improve their communication skills. Whether youre a CEO, educator, new grad, entrepreneur or parent, these insightful examples and insights show how to get along better with just about anyone, anywhere, anytime. Read it and reap. - Sam Horn, The Intrigue Expert and author of POP! and Tongue Fu!®About the Author: Joan Craven, president of Craven Communications, has been an author, communications consultant, professional speaker, and communications coach for over 30 years. As a popular weekly newspaper columnist, she understands the value of building relationships. The authors diverse and growing client base includes health and safety officers, human resource managers, government officials, chartered accountants, engineers, educators, health care professionals, librarians, hotel managers, bankers, home builders, parents and grandparents. She has assisted thousands of clients build their repertoire of thoughtful and honest communication skills. Publishers website: http://www.strategicpublishinggroup.com/title/GotIt-TwentyOne CommunicationTipsforBusyImpatientPeople.html
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