Growing Stronger
How to achieve lifelong fulfillment and lasting happiness by looking no further than within... Can you honestly say that youre living your best life?  No, not a life of ease and comfort, despite what society may dictate. Nor one of ultimate luxury and opulence.  Living your best life means living up to your full potential, being at peace with who you are and feeling like youve given it your all.  Its about going after what you want, overcoming obstacles and not feeling like youve left something on the table. But many of us tend to settle for the mediocre, either because were comfortable where we are, or because were too scared to strive for more.   Maybe you tell yourself that this is the best you can be, and that youre satisfied with it. But that nagging voice within could be telling you otherwise. By not being honest with yourself, youre unwittingly cheating yourself of the happiness you deserve. Its time to take a hard look at yourself and figure out what your inner self is telling you. In Growing Stronger, you will uncover the secrets to reframe your perspective and tackle the issues that are keeping you from your authentic self. Inside, you will discover: ?      How to connect with yourself on a deeper level to distinguish between your true self and the ego that is holding you back?      The key principle to adapt in your life that will keep you motivated but also prevent you from burning out ?      Why external signifiers of success will not assure you of happiness and contentment?      The crucial skill that will help you face disappointment without being disheartened and giving up?      How to lead your mind back to rational thinking when youre in a negative spiral by asking you
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