Healing Trauma
A fascinating compendium of ar+cles that look at trauma through a myriad of lenses—existentialneuroscience, history, psychoanalysis, sociology, trauma+c stress research, literature—these beautiflycrafted essays engage the reader throughout. Dori Laub’s research into the importance of witnessingand gathering testimony from victims of severe trauma—whether related to the Holocaust, sexualabuse, or war—to help them create narratives out of what was inchoate pain, is central to so many ofthe contributors. Research is used as witness in Robert Jay Lipton’s work and so too is literature asin Schreiber’s discussion of Toni Morrison’s fiction. The chapters on brain research help us to betterunderstand the individual and social impact of trauma and how much has been learned in recent yearsthat influences the way clinicians interact with patients. Bringing together a neurobiologicaland psychological understanding of trauma, Schreiber’s edited volume is an essential bookfor psychoanalysts who want to have a more thorough understanding of trauma as well as for allthose in other disciplines who are interested in the subject.—Batya R. Monder, MSW, BCD, Training & Supervising Analyst,Contemporary Freudian Society (CFS)
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