Holding Hope In Our Hands
Hearing the words, "There is no cure," never stopped Kristin and Ozzie Skenderi from diving into every resource, medical expert and alternative option available to help save Nixon, their 6-month-old son.  Diagnosed with Gaucher's Disease Type 2, Nixon was given a life expectancy of 3-years-old. He will be four on November 1, 2017! Follow Nixon's journey as his family chronicles the roller-coaster ride of their lives. You will learn how they reached beyond traditional medicine and explored some alternative options that have positive results. A profound, true story for any person experiencing a difficult situation or who has a child who is ill. Find the light at the end of the tunnel with them as you experience frustrations, limitations, breathtaking moments, miracles and the gift of Nixon's smile. This book will inspire you toFollow your instinctsPush the envelope Uncover new optionsAlways remember to hold hope in your handsAnd never, ever give up!
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