LinkedIn is rapidly approaching 600 million users, with two new profiles being created every second of every day. Yet less than 0.5 percent of those 600 million users will ever be considered influential.Becoming influential in your industry is simply the best lead-generation strategy available today. However, it requires a specific process of nurturing and providing value along the way. Influencer outlines the 9-step process that will enable users to move beyond the masses that simply exist and join the elite few who create effortless sales, build impressive connections with the world’s most successful entrepreneurs, and have client lists that are the envy of their peers.This process utilises the global power of the LinkedIn network, and provides a simple framework you can follow to massively increase your influence in your industry. By following the process outlined in Influencer, you will become the go-to person in your industry within ninety days.Adam understands the power of influence. You will regularly see him featured on a global list of events as a sought-after keynote speaker, or being interviewed on podcasts. Over two thousand hours of research have gone into perfecting the process outlined in this book. The methodology outlined is currently being used by Adam’s clients in multiple industries in Australia, New Zealand, North America, Singapore, Dubai, the United Kingdom, South Africa, Germany and the Netherlands.Inside you will discover:why your profile is your greatest asset and how to build one through LinkedInthe importance of micro nichinghow to craft your messagethe value of storytelling, and why yours is the most important of allhow real influencers measure engagementthe five types of content to focus onhow to build your community the art of problem solvingwhy influence is achieved only when everyone else says soInfluencer is the answer the entrepreneur community is looking for to build trust and credibility, and become
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