Intermittent Fasting For Women Over 50


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With this information, your consumers will become addicted to this book, getting the benefits theyve always wanted.For those who want to lose those extra pounds or for those who want to experiment with new dietary approaches, the ideas seem to never end.  In recent times, however, a new diet program is emerging in a particular way: intermittent fasting; it is a kind of diet that consists of alternating moments of fasting and moments of feeding.Nothing special, you might say; when we sleep we all fast, and then eat when we wake up. So, do we all do intermittent fasting? In reality, this is not the case, given that intermittent fasting has taken a specific path: the fasting and non-fasting phases are well studied and balanced to bring specific metabolic effects (in particular on what is called the sensor network of the cellular energy).This brand-new manual will guide you through this healthy journey to a healthier and happier life, teaching you all you need to know about this incredibly working diet program.In this book, you will:Learn Everything about Intermittent Fasting and Why It Is Growing in Popularity Worldwide for being a quick, simple, and easy diet. It is successful also because you can sustain it in the long-term.Realize How Many Benefits You Can Get from It besides Weight Loss, such as lower cholesterol, improve glucose control and blood pressure, reduce liver fat, and many more. Understand the Relationship between Intermittent Fasting and Autophagy to renew your body because fasting is the best boost to autophagy. It may reverse the aging process, by getting rid of old cellular junk and replacing it with new parts.Have a Clear Idea about All the Methods of this Diet Program to choose the one which suits you better for your goal and which is more beneficial to your health.Have in Your hands a Complete and Exhaustive List of The Best Foods to Choose When Practicing Intermittent Fasting, provided with the rig
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