Jamaican Entrepreneurship
WHAT MAKES AN ENTREPRENEUR? Dr. Glen Laman answers thisquestion in his book, JamaicanEntrepreneurship, exploring theachievements of 15 outstandingJamaicans and their divergentpaths to success. The book showswhat they did, how they did itand why they did it. While most ofthese entrepreneurs were able toaccomplish their dreams in Jamaica,others pursued success in the NorthAmerican market by fulfi lling theneeds of The Diaspora.The book also highlights the historic,social, political and geographicfactors which contributed to thedevelopment of the Jamaicaneconomic environment. Thisbackground puts the achievementsof the Jamaican businessmenand businesswomen into properperspective, making their successeseven more astounding andinspirational.
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