Making Meaning
"Making Meaning"  is  the  first  book  to  fully  develop  this  activity  and   the  idea  of  meaning defining it as "the positive impact of anyone (or anything)."  It then discusses  the four major  senses of  "meaning."Next  comes the marvelous inner cry for meaning  and then meaning as the life-or-death question which also much effects our mental and even physical health.The  book  then  explains  these  main  "sources"  or  ways  of  making  meaning:  1)  quality  relationships,  2)  a  sense  of  community,  3) genuine  dialogue, 4)  fulfilling  work,  5)   possessions,  6)  interpreting  artworks, 7)  searching  for  God  and  8)  intangibles  or  nonphysical  realities  and  values  such  as  goodness,  justice,  free  will  and  love.After  discussing  some  issues  and  challenges,  "Making  Meaning"  concludes  with  a  view  on  the  supposedly  grand  meaning  of  life  as  well  as  how  it  is  implied  in  Socrates, Plato, Aristotle  and  up  to  the  current  time.An  appendix  gives  some  basic  laws  of  logic  to  guide  our  thinking  about  making  meaning--and every  other  subject.Welcome  to  the  wonderful new  world  of  meaningology  which  studies  what  everything  ought  to  mean  to  yourself  and  others!   It 
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