Dougs questioning on why things were the way they were would only lead to a journey offinding out that a majority of people are only by products of their own environments. Lifechanging events, professional setbacks and at times death of Family and loved ones led tothis young man to realize that you get out of life what you put in it. And once the dust is settled , race , politics , sex and religion though these systems play major roles in the majority of theway most people interact with each other , they can also handicap human beings in such away that it can stifle the development of human beings . Dougs interactions and lessonslearned will prove to anyone that we though we may have advanced technically andscientifically that our social development has not changed much. The climate that most peopleare in today and how we interact with other in some cases are archaic. His early view of theworld and people would be challenged to such as degree that this young man from the backroads of North Carolina was given no choice but to begin looking deeply at his self and his ownnegative convictions of people and other cultures that were at once alien to soon becomesomewhat of a student and grasp from them aspects to help him in his own self developmentand apply them in his everyday life. At times there are some books that come along that canhelp establish dialogue across racial barriers in hopes that we can really sit down and discussour differences openly without conflict .Our discussions on these subjects are still taboo to bediscussed openly and regarded at times inappropriate in certain settings . Mason Dixon youwill discover to be a conversation piece that will spark that dialogue on these items and inhopes that we can look at ourselves before judging others.
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