Millennial Moves
A near-death experience inspired this literary work. The life flashes during this event resulted in new career moves. While developing a new career and sitting on professional development panels, I explored 100(s) of methods job seekers generally apply to enter new careers. The education, training, and relationships equipped me to develop leadership programs for frontline employees, executives, and government leaders. However, a deeper understanding of the entire talent management process arrived via a diversion to teach elementary and adults on the college level. This experience revealed critical development approaches for career moves. Most people wouldnt be willing to explore learning via a diversion from corporate or executive roles. However, the observations inspired an Intel of career development approaches for the bosses of the future. This journey created the framework for Millennial Moves. A Workforce that Merits AttentionBy the year 2025, Millennials will contribute 75 percent of the workforce innovating company brands and bottom-lines (Hais, M. & Winograd, 2014). Therefore, it is vital to give back, help them prepare via a system that holds them and people who care about them accountable. This book reveals 10 main strategies in a simplified format. Use this book as a planning tool to help Millennials measure, map out, and execute new careers in real-time.
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