Muscle Mass Without A Gym
*Hey Skinny, Are You Seeking an Easy Quick Way to Gain Brawn?*Learn How I Gained Muscle Mass Without Weights, Shakes, Dieting, or Meat!(They didnt think I could do it being vegetarian, you shouldve seen the look on their faces when they saw my pecs!)Making the mistake of working out till failure is why youre scrawny. This whole No Pain, No Gain crap is the reason why so many are dangerously pushing themselves harder, and yet are still struggling.You are literally throwing money down the drain going to the gym. You can get the work done in the time it takes to get there, think about that! The hardest part of this is preventing over-training. You have been failing to gain, because youre using the Wrong Protocol, but Im here to dispel the confusion. Calisthenics Builds Muscle FASTER Than WeightsBodyweight training is ideal because its accessible and safe making it incredibly effective for getting workouts done anytime anywhere! You can do it in between classes, during lunch breaks, or anytime you get a spare minute as they literally take seconds to do This puts power in your hands as you no longer have to depend on circumstance, you dont need to pay for expensive gym membership or weight sets.All you need is two sets of only Two ExercisesIt works by doing your max every workout, but distributing it over two sets using fixed percentages. Imagine walking through the halls at your job or school with confidence as your chest sticks out and head held high. How would that affect your life?For Me, College Became A Lot More Fun, I Gained So Much Muscle, Girls Called Me Mr. Big Butt!This body-weight program was created out of necessity when I was working on my MBA. Taking the shuttle to get to the gym for a 30 minute workout took too much time which I couldnt afford, so I tried calisthenics and I got incredible results quickly. I built my glutes so much that I ripped my pants while picking up the ball playing ping pong! Best of all, it was against a g
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